Friday, September 7, 2012

Just a note from Andrew's Mom

Hello to all-
First of all I want to say thank you for your continued support of the Children's Miracle Network.  Without the support of their services "My Andrew" wouldn't have had the opportunity to be a true "miracle." Our family's lives were turned upside on the evening of April 27th when a tornado ripped through our small town.  From the local fire and rescue to the exquisitent hospital staff working through the night to care for the severely injured.  The tornado took us by surprise on this night with no preparation given for what we would endure as a mother, son and most of all a small home town where no matter who you were had some connection to the deadly aftermath.  The night seemed to drag on as I waited for any word on the condition and whereabouts of my family including my 2 children.  After a long a grueling 4 hours that felt like a lifetime there was no preparing myself for the devastating news I would receive...My grandmother, mother, first cousin and Andrew's brother, Adam had not made it through the storms fury.  Frantically I began to question everyone with one simple question...Where is "My Andrew?"  I was given the good news he was alive!!  He was preparing to be life flighted to Children's Hospital with minutes. A sense of security welled up inside me because I knew at that moment if anyone could save him it would be the expertise of the staff at Children's Hospital.  Upon arriving at the hospital and seeing Andrew and his visible injuries I never gave up hope that he would survive such a nightmare.  Weeks turned into months and day by day Andrew slowly healed and overcome not only the physical setbacks but also the emotional ones that still continue to be a daily struggle for me.  I learned from a very young age to be a positive role model for my children as my grandmother and mother had instilled in me and in turn I instilled into Andrew.  He had one goal in mind even while laying flat on his back in the early stages of recovery....To go back to school when it began again in the Fall and be a normal.  This goal was obtained I am so proud to say!!  Andrew walked back into his school with a sense of accomplishment.  Seems like such a small humble goal but for him this was huge.  For me..."a miracle."  And without the phenomenal services he received this wouldn't have ever been possible.  Once again I cannot thank you enough to everyone that is involved with Children's Miracle Network. 
--Andrew's Mom, Wendy Ellis

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